Black Carrera Pace Car Corvette is a good buy now

black c8 corvette pace car

The black Carrera pace car is a steal of a deal at the moment. Currently, you can pick these up brand new at the moment way cheaper than the yellow and grey racing cars. I was able to find this analog one for $40 from Lakota Collectibles.

Not sure at the moment if I’ll be playing with it or storing it away for the future. Right now, with all of the C8 cars coming out I’m trying to stack up. I’ve purchased a couple of these cars from both Scalextric and Carrera.

Scalextric C8 cars are going for about $65; so in a year from now, I wouldn’t be surprised to see these same cars being flipped for $70 to $80. I’m not exactly sure why the Scalextric brand is higher than the Carrera. You can find these same models under the Carrera Toys brand in the $50 range.

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