Gas Powered RC Cars Still Have A True Purpose

2 min read

Gas powered RC cars get a bad rep from hobbyists. Mostly because they can be a little finicky. They require a little bit of know how to keep them going. Many choose to go electric, stick in a battery turn it on and it goes. But, don’t you want a car that can grow with you?

I’ve seen many hobbyist change electric cars as much as they change shirts. They get bored with the car after about a month or two. It is no longer exciting and definitely not a challenge. What’s the point of buying something that you don’t plan on keeping for a year or two?

Large scale 1/5 gas cars are like having a miniature real car. The parts are bigger, which makes them easier to work on. No need for a magnifying glass or mini tool sets. These big cars use normal everyday tools like socket sets.

Right now we seem to be in a time where everyone wants to have everything electric. Even real cars are going electric, but don’t fall into the fad so quickly. Remember, when everyone makes a shift the things they leave behind will eventually become valuable (antiques, hot rods).

When gas powered RC cars aren’t the norm there’s a chance they could explode in value. Companies won’t be making them anymore and people will be looking for them. Life repeats itself right? Take a look at what is happening with current automobiles. There are car auctions all over the place with plenty of buyers wanting something they can’t get anymore.

We are in an exciting time with the invention of 3D printers. It will be interesting to see how these printers will play a role with these cars. Will hobbyists be able to print their own parts to fit on these large scale cars?

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