If you have an iPad the best way to look at RC manuals is with the Kindle app. Go to a website such as associatedelectronics.com and download the pdf manuals. If I remember correctly when you start the download it will ask if you want to view them with the Kindle app, you need to say yes.
You’ll know if it worked because when you open the Kindle app you’ll be able to see the manuals that are installed. In the picture below you can see the two associated electronic manuals I have on the top row.

When you open one of the iPad Kindle RC Manuals it will be really easy to see. You’ll be able to zoom in on things if it is a little difficult for you to read.

When I’m working on my cars I’ll set the iPad right next to it. That way I can look at the part and manual at the same time. It’s way better than trying to use the printed version.