Ludicrous Backyard Turf Idea With Extreme Cost Is Wanted

A backyard RC turf track was one of my big ideas until realizing how much it cost. Receiving a quote this week for the cost of $20 a square foot.

Man, that is insanely expensive.

My idea is to have the bottom area of my backyard covered. It turns out the space is about 1,000 square feet.

You guessed it, it’s going to be $20,000 to get turf to play with my RC cars on. I’m sure you already know that isn’t going to happen.

Now, everywhere that I go I look at the turf. In the city, I live in they use it a lot in dog parks. I’m pretty sure the space is a lot larger than mine so it has to be expensive. I also had a chance to visit Vegas and they use it a lot along the sidewalks.

The plan is to continue to look at and generate ideas of how to get this done more cheaper. There has to be a way, I’m determined to figure it out.