Game Time With Carrera Next-Gen Slot Cars

Carrera has outdone themselves with the introduction of the next-gen NASCAR. I’m not exactly sure how they were able to get these cars at an affordable price with the licensing but it’s awesome.

The 1/32 cars are going for $40 while the Go versions are $20. This is an easy way to get into the slot car game. I’m pretty excited to get my hands on a couple of these cars.

Going to try and order a couple for myself this week. I’m a fan of these next-gen nascar designs. I’ve never been a fan of the old body style. Told myself if they ever come out with the new body style in a slot car I was all in.

Keep an eye out and let me know if you get some. I’m curious to know your thoughts. If you are new to slot cars let me know what made you try them out.

I get ninety percent of my cars off of eBay so that’s most likely where I’ll get these. You can get them at