Rain Day Inside Figuring Out What To Blog About

Rain Day

Rain day, the first half of the day was doing actual work. The second half of the day spent lunch with my wife and now the rain has begun.

It was a long work week, mentally I’m exhausted so excited to see Friday. I’ve started to learn to take time and relax. Years ago I would just keep working all day outside of normal hours and tell myself to push thru.

Keeping the day light and fun is how to rest the mind. I did have one of the moments this morning where it felt like nothing was going right. Continuously told myself don’t get upset it will pass.

I need to get back into taking pictures of slot cars; the picture in this blog post is one that was taken about a year ago. Below is one of my favorite pictures that I’ve taken.

Having a hobby is becoming more and more important. Keeps the mind from focusing on negativity. The hobby for me changed as time went on. The most fun initially was playing with the cars, then it went to collect them and now more of taking pictures of them.

Each car that’s in my collection is a representation of one that is of interest in real life. Can’t afford to buy all of these cars in real life because the cost would be outrageous.