The reason to buy the right part is so it can be installed simply. You may have to pay a little extra but know the manufacturer built it to work specifically for that car.
I’ve waffled back and forth on purchasing used or new parts. Where I don’t waffle is on buying brand-specific vs knock-off parts. I stick with the name brands, that’s why you always hear me talk about Associated Electronics.
The goal when using the right electronic parts is to have a car function at its highest level. Also to keep the car able to run at that level for a long period of time.
No matter what you decide make sure to keep a budget for what you spend. This helps you understand whether to dial up your spending or cut back.
The trickiest thing is figuring out how to test the parts. It’s hard to wait until you get to an indoor carpet track like RC Pitstop & Raceway to find out something doesn’t work. For cars like these, you don’t really want to run them outside to keep them in nice shape.
Good parts are simple to install, they slide right into where they are supposed to. Designed by an engineer to be strong and to withstand a certain amount of stress. This is why you stick with a specific manufacturer.